Fidel Castro, 1926-2016
So he's finally dead. I don't know where to begin with this post, because the reaction to Castro's death has devolved into predictable fault lines. People are roasting Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's tribute? Condolence message? Colin Kaepernick stepped in it- yet again . ( ESPN's Dan Lebetard actually had something interesting to say about it. ) There's a range of reaction out there, but I suppose if I have to begin somewhere, it would probably be with my email address. Many moons ago, in the distant past, I think I went with a account that was something like boristhatr1983 or some such idiocy. I have no idea if the address still exists or not, but eventually I transitioned over to Hotmail, which I still have and went randomly with fidelmags1979, once again throwing two world leaders that had always fascinated me together with a random yet to well, get what you get. Fidel Castro has always fascinated me for some reason... I don't kn