I Figured It Out: Random Song Edition
So, way back in the day- I'm talking late 80s, early 90s, when music was incredible and I would spend the days of halcyon youth listening to things like Open House Party with John Garabetian on my trusty old stereo (complete with tape deck and CD player) I heard a song. For years I've had snatches of this song in my head-- just the refrain, "You'd better hope and pray that you make it safe back to your own world." Never known the band. Never known the song title. Never in all these years of having a smartphone bothered to run it down on the old Googles, until last night, on a whim, as I was folding some laundry, I decided to give it an old Google and you know what, dear reader? The internet provided. Behold, 'Stay' from a band named Shakespear's Sister. A little excavation on the Wikipedia revealed the following: it's a British-Irish/American pop and alternative rock duo. (Okay then. Bit of a mouthful, but okay.) And it was formered by singe...