Free Write Friday #23: Triumph/Whodunit?
Hey, I'm back on my Theme Thursday game! Theme Thursdays took an extended summer break, so a couple of weeks ago now was the first week back with the theme of Triumph ... I am largely just 'okay' with this one. I feel like I was getting my feet wet again so it wasn't the greatest thing I've ever written, but it wasn't that bad either. “We’re almost there.” “I know, I know.” “Well, hurry up, will you?” “Look, even if I wanted to hurry, I couldn’t. It’s so damn dusty up here and this space suit is heavy.” Miranda Tokugawa and Renata Da Silva had been climbing for a week now. Part of that was the sheer scale of what they were attempting to do: there was no way to do this quickly, but part of that was also where they were doing it. This wasn’t a climb that was built for speed- the higher you got, the more careful you needed to be. Equipment needed to be checked. Spacesuits needed to be cleaned and checked for dust. The checks on their rover became more thorough. T...