Albums2010 Revisited: August and Everything After

A long time ago, in a blog that's far, far away now, I decided I was going to listen to 100 Albums. It occurred to me at the time that with music becoming so digital then (and even more so now) we were drifting further and further away from the concept of the album. People weren't listening to music that way anymore and I wanted to explore and in some weird way, fight the power that was sweeping us all into digital subscription-based services and away from physical media. That was fifteen years ago and here is the post that started it all. (And here is the complete list of the original run -- which took me far longer than my original plan of one year.) What's changed since then? In fifteen more years, this might seem like a delightfully quaint notion, but I am starting to wonder if physical media might be making a comeback? Vinyl never quite went away but now seems to be making a comeback. There are people who steadfastly refuse to read anything on a Kindle (I can go eith...