10 For 2021: How Did I Do?
Given the times we live in, the idea of New Year's Resolutions seems idiotic, but I'm doing it anyway because lists are easy to make and strangely satisfying to cross things off of. But before I launch on yet another exercise in mild futility (I do usually get some of these things accomplished), it's time to look back on 2021 and see how I did. 1. End the year under 200 lbs Nope, but it's coming with me for 2022. 2. Get another tattoo (I've known what I want to get for a while, I just need to do it.) Nope. Not yet- but it's coming along for 2022. 3. I want to complete a 200 day Duolingo Streak I got to 141 days before I fell off the wagon, but I've picked it back up again and I'm pushing 50 days as of this writing. 4. New deck! We got rid of (most of) the old deck this year, but in 2021 I want to finish out the project and get a shiny new one. Success! We did get a new deck done. 5. My Goodreads goal for 2020 was 40 books and I came up short by just a ...