Best of the Decade Part Three: Movies & Television

So this last 'Best of' list was probably the most difficult one to put together of any of them. Movies are tough: we've got three kids and so we're in that 'wait until it shows up on streaming' stage of our movie watching existence- with the occasional family movie trip to the movies. (And occasional date nights as well, but we need to be more consistent about those in 2020 I think.) Television was easier: if we entertain ourselves these days it's usually through streaming the latest show on Netflix or something. So, let's wrap it up with Movie and TV: MOVIES 15. Molly's Game: written and directed by Aaron Sorkin, I'm going to make a bold declaration here, so buckle your seatbelts: this might be the best movie that Sorkin has ever written, because it focuses so much on poker and not politics and it's remarkably free of the Sorkinisms that seem to follow his writing around through television and movies. I loved it. 14. Mad Max Fury Ro...