
Showing posts from December, 2024

Netflix & Chill #108: Yacht Rock A Dockumentary

Am I a yacht rock superfan? Not really. I know the music and when the mood takes me, I'll throw on a playlist on Spotify and jam out a little, but little more than that. Did I know where the term came from? No. Did I know how it developed when it did? No. But the new documentary on MAX, Yacht Rock: A Dockumentary gave me all the answers to my questions and then some. I'll be honest: I watched this more out of curiosity than anything else. I'm glad I did. Yacht Rock developed from a web series that started around 2005 or so and basically, a bunch of friends would raid the $1 bins at the local record store and found themselves listening to a lot of the artists that came to make up the 'yacht rock' genre and dubbed it that because it sounds like 'music that makes you feel like you were on a yacht.' (The super crazy aspect of all this: this is a web series that predates YouTube. It's now on YouTube of course , but if you want to talk about a 'deep cut...

10 For 2024: The Final Tally

THE FINAL TALLY IS HERE: I'm going to call this an okay year. Made progress on a lot of things, succeeded at some, failed at others. I think next year I'm going to have to be more concrete in my goals that way they're not so vague and hard to quantify the way some of these are. But in general, a final record of 4.5-2-3 on the year isn't... terrible. But not my best work either. On to 2025! 1. Book 4: Get this book into draft form (close to, if not ready to launch-- fingers crossed!) by the end of the year. I have some other writing goals as well, but this is going to be my big, main focus for the year. Book 4 is still grinding and nowhere near draft form. FAIL. 2. Get Another Tattoo: I might get really crazy and get two! (But for real: no reason why it can't happen this year. Money is being accumulated. The date just needs to be set to do the deed.) Behold, a SUCCESS. 3. The Health Thing: Okay, so I'm going to get away from numbers on scales this year. It's ...

Bookshot #184: The Scramble for Africa

This big doorstopper of a book has been on my bookshelf since I don't know when. I'm pretty sure I inherited this one from my parents, so it probably sat on their bookshelf since I don't know when because I don't remember purchasing it despite the fact I have Pakenham's excellent book The Boer War (which I do remember purchasing.) And having made my way through all six hundred and eighty pages of it, I'm still not entirely sure what I think about this book. Let's start with the obvious: this was written in 1991 and it feels like it, too. I'm sure there have been more up-to-date assessments of the Scramble since then (at least I hope so) but when Pakenham pegs apartheid in South Africa as being the most poisonous legacy of the Scramble, it makes sense in the context of the immediate post-Cold War, pre-ending of Apartheid era in which he was writing. I, reading this in 2024, 33 years after Pakenham wrote the book would be more inclined to point the finge...